E-mail marketing strategy update by Las Vegas Marketing Consultant Steve Laurvick

E-mail marketing strategy update by Las Vegas Marketing Consultant Steve Laurvick

Does email marketing still work?

E-mail marketing strategy update by Las Vegas Marketing Consultant Steve Laurvick/p>

Think about your personal email account ñ how many times have you downloaded a free ebook or report, with your email address all the website owner asks in return, usually with an ironclad guarantee that your name and email address will never be shared, traded or sold? If you find the information you receive valuable, you're likely to return to that site for a second look and may eventually make a purchase. This is just one example of the tremendous value of email marketing leads.

The most trustworthy vendors know that email marketing leads form a significant component of the lifeblood of their business. They don't want to share your personal information with others ñ that just dilutes their edge over their competition. What's more, sharing or selling your personal information will eventually earn them a poor reputation, both with consumers and search engines. The email marketing leads they gain through legitimate channels and with honest intent can be worth their weight in gold, in future sales.


Another email marketing mistake often made is failure to follow up on promotional emails. Sending out emails to interested parties can be very beneficial but it is even more beneficial to contact these email recipients by other methods such as mail or telephone to answer any questions they may have and offer any additional information they may require. This type of follow up can be much more effective than simply sending an email and allowing it to fall into the abyss of an overcrowded email inbox.

Business owners may also run into the mistake of not preparing themselves for an influx of customers after an email marketing effort. The express purpose of email marketing is to generate increased interest in your products or services. Therefore it is critical for business owners to anticipate an increase in business and be prepared to accommodate this increased demand for products and services. This is important because potential customers who have to wait for products or services may seek out your competitors who are better prepared to provide them with products or services immediately.

Finally a critical mistake made by business owners is to not tailor an email marketing campaign to their specific target audience. This can be a problem because it may result in the email marketing being less effective. Business owners typically make this mistake because they fall into the trap of believing that it is more important to reach a large audience than it is to reach a target audience. You may blindly send your email marketing materials to millions of recipients and only generate a few leads. However, you could send the same email marketing materials to a smaller group of only a thousand recipients who all have an interest in your products and services and will likely generate more leads from this smaller email distribution list. It is not only important to send your message to members of your target audience but to also tailor your message to suit this audience. Creating an email message which will appeal to a variety of individuals is not as important as creating a message which will appeal to members of your target audience.

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